New York Magazine
ART CANDY section
Dirty, Hairy
by Rachel Wolff, July 18, 2007
Zwirner & Wirth isn’t the only gallery taking a studied approach to their summer season. The Zone: Chelsea Center for the Arts has assembled an international roster of painters, photographers, and video artists to pay homage to portraiture as a medium for a group show titled “FACE: Scavenging Identity,” up through August 11. Parisian artist Renaud Muraire, who has several works up in the show, deifies modern beauties, dressing our “icons” with the same sort of signifiers once used to suggest divinity and the sublime. Icon #2(left), is part Odilon Redon (with an uncanny resemblance to his 1890 Les Yeux Clos), part early Renaissance, and part [enter upscale designer name here] perfume ad (dirty hair, inexplicable ecstasy). —Rachel Wolff